Art of Feminine Presence 10 Week Programme begins April 2024- contact me for further details

meet tess

I believe you can have everything you want and live life your way. You deserve it. It’s time you believe it.

In a world full of noise it’s hard to shut out the images of perfection, your inner critic and the feeling that you don’t fit in. Finding a safe space to share this without fear of judgement can be hard.

But it’s not impossible.

Don’t throw in the towel.

I’ve lovingly supported many hundreds of people as they’ve consciously awakened to the truth – that seeking validation outside themselves hasn’t made them happy. Who’ve realised the narrative they’ve been fed by society kept them disconnected from their heart’s desire. Small and miserable.

I know you are a wonder of creation.

You are made from nature and this world, yet you transcend this world because you are made of the same elements as the universe. Loved beyond belief, it’s time to love yourself. To heal from the inside out. Supporting this transformation has been one of the greatest privileges in my life.

Amplify the whispers of your heart and radiate a luminous, magnetic presence

I have always used my mind to seek and understand other people and it has led me on a journey of awareness and self discovery. For more than 30 years, first as an oral surgery nurse and then as a kinesiologist, I have been listening to and holding space for clients. People who know there’s a pathway to freedom from limiting thoughts and behaviours, but just don’t know how to get there.

I see you.
I hear you.

What you feel is valid. What you truly desire matters.

As an empath I intuitively know, read and sense how people feel in their body. I give them the comfort and safety they need to go deeper into this feeling. The journey into themselves brings physical and spiritual release. It sees them finally able to let go of fear and restriction. They become open to receive the love they deserve. They begin to trust again. Through this expansion they feel connected to self. This liberation brings in more energy. They feel calm, productive, healthy and empowered. Decisive. And you can feel this way too.

I want you to know you are very much needed at this time. Your higher self is guiding you to set yourself free to explore, feel and become all that you desire.

I’m here to help.

My Core Values


By listening to you, holding space for you, I allow you to share what feels most important to you. Your story matters and gives you space to breathe and as one client mentioned this process helps to “bring parts of myself back to life”. 


Our inherent worth and beauty is seriously neglected especially with the amount of cultural and social conditioning we receive almost from the time we are born. How labels that others give us or the ones we believe in, hurt us deeply and bear no relation to the real you. Freeing yourself from self imposed limitations around your sacred feminine and masculine divine, staying grounded and in touch with your ultimate truth is all that really matters.


By learning to set up boundaries you learn to fully support yourself. You deserve to love yourself and to be loved by others. As you release self imposed limitations you will discover a lightness of being and physical transformations take place. Your eyes will transform, you will stand taller and stronger, you radiate presence and carry with you the knowledge that you now have the courage to transform any darkness to light.


You hold the key to accessing the power for transformation, entrapment into freedom, and align yourself with your highest vision and mission for your life. It is only when we ask for help, that the true healing begins. This is the doorway that leads you to the interdimensional aspects of self understanding and ultimate manifestation of your heart’s desires.
I believe you can attract more of what you truly desire into your life, with ease.

I believe in your divine inner power. And when you believe in your sovereignty too, you free yourself from others’ expectations and needs.

You free yourself from the inner critic who sabotages true union with yourself and the people you love.

I believe you deserve to harness the hidden potential of your mind, those unexplored depths of soul, and free the full power and majesty of a mind-body-heart that is grounded and fully aware in conscious creation of how it can change the world as you know it.

My training:

“ A mixture of spiritual psychology, you walk out feeling better than when you walked in.”

1:1 Healing & Coaching

Putting you back in charge of your life’s circumstances. Feel empowered, heard, and liberated at a deep level. With the right combination of healing tools that are perfectly chosen just for you, embark on a tailored experience. Release expectations and needs, feel the return of your true sovereign strength and personal power. Everything you have ever wanted is available for you to manifest and enjoy, today.

Group Healing

With loving support from a group of people all desiring to manifest positive change, you realise that you are not alone. In group healing an intention is set by all – to call in the highest and best intentions. Just as you can feel the energy when you walk  into a room filled with people, you can call in each member of your spiritual team to be present for you at this time. This creates an energetic space of miraculous transformation and liberation, in the most perfect way.