
  • Theres no Quick Fix

    To love. Its either there or it’s not. You can’t trap it, lock it down or own it. Some are quite good at playing with love – pseudo, demanding or trauma bonding others with conditional love. I heard it said that many will stay in a loveless marriage for the 10% of love that is […]

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  • Where does presence fit in?

    Life can only be understood backwards, but must be lived forward. So if life can be only understood backwards but must be lived forward – where does the present fit in? This question has been one that I have recognised as one of the greatest personal explorations. I was told as a child to look […]

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  • Now is The Time

                      And the sneaky one that comes in the deep of night to slip that knife between your ribs. Who do you think you are? All of this time wasting on dark thinking is now being swept aside. I’ve picked up the broom of clarity. You can’t […]

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  • Demo: Online Kinesiology Session

    Did you know Kinesiology sessions can be done online? Caris Pepper has kindly agreed for Tess to use her session as a demonstration of what an online Kinesiology session is like. If you have any questions at all, please contact us! We’d love to hear from you! Contact us here.  Testimonial from Caris: I […]

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